Mind Body Karen Hoskins Mind Body Karen Hoskins

Mind & Body

May 2022 - New Featured Posts!

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This Month’s Workout Pic!

 I saw results within a week doing this one everyday

(crush lower belly fat!)


A Great Massage is a Game Changer!

If you have never had a full body massage, I’m here to highly recommend that you put one on your list of to dos. I do understand that some people are uncomfortable being touched that way by a stranger. To you I say, shop around and get a referral from a friend or family member who knows a good masseuse and can point you to where you should go. You can also find one yourself but be sure to check the online reviews. Also, if you prefer a male or female you should make that known when you book the appointment.

I think massage is the ultimate in self-care. It’s a treat for the body and senses, and that has to be a good thing! I’ve mentioned before that I have chronic osteoarthritis. Massage is one way I find, at least temporary, relief from nagging pain. I have a monthly membership at a salon near my house. Massage day is one of my favorites!  My usual is the therapeutic massage. Which is not the same as deep tissue (so don’t let somebody try to tell you it is).  If you have any type of pain issue, it’s great. If that’s the kind of session you think you need, be certain to find someone who has been specifically certified to do it.  All massage therapists are not created equal and do not have the same level of education and experience.

 A massage can be a transformative experience, especially if you go into it with the intention to relax and be present in the moment. That’s a lot harder than it sounds and requires that you practice quieting your mind. You won’t enjoy the session as much if you’re not able to coax your brain into relaxing. What’s key is that you BREATHEEEE! Pay close attention to how your breathe feels/sounds as it enters and exits your body. Let it relax you—allow yourself to just let go. It’s even okay if you fall asleep. 

There are many types of massage approaches, Swedish, deep tissue, relaxing, etc. Read the descriptions and find one that addresses what your body needs most.

Here's my short list of the benefits of massage:

-Helps relieve anxiety

-Pain relief

-It’s a practice in being present

-Helps you sleep better

-A relaxing treat for your mind and body. 



Exercising Your Faith

Dr. Anthony Brown

Minister, Recording Artist, Foundation President

“I talk. I pray. I see a therapist.” These were the words written on a t-shirt someone was wearing as I strolled through the mall last week. The words caught my attention since, I believe, amid so many challenges in this covid-environment, persons are wondering “how to get through, what they are going through.” These instructions seem simple enough:

Talk. Sometimes it helps to simply talk about our challenges. Of course, you must find the right person, the right time, but there is relief, peace and for many HOPE, in simply talking. Talking may involve risk-taking and it can require a certain amount of vulnerability but “talk about it.”

Pray. A timeless hymn declares, “I found the answer, I learned to pray.” Praying is a suggestion that it will take FAITH to get through these seasons of change, uncertainty, grief, and turmoil. My faith remains in the promises found in the bible that The Lord will see me through my todays and tomorrows. One of my favorite scriptures says, “He knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. I urge you to exercise your faith and pray.

See a therapist. Those reading this article might suggest I was doing fine until I suggested we MAY need professional help to navigate life’s challenges. But the reality is, at least in my experience, is that sometimes we do (need that professional help). Seeing a therapist can help you manage life's varied challenges. It can help you better understand what you're feeling, why and how to cope. Just like visiting your medical doctor for regular wellness exams, or your dentist for checkups, meeting with a therapist can help keep your mental and emotional health in order.

This is how I’m navigating these days. “I talk. I pray. I see a therapist.”  And I’m going to Amazon to find one of those t-shirts. Be blessed!



Why Can't I Lose Weight?

This article keeps it 100%! It’s one of the best lists I’ve seen on possible reasons why you’re not losing weight.

(click here)

Why Can't I lose Weight

This month’s mind/body question: What’s a fitness strategy you’re doing that’s producing results?

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