Growing in the Spirit

What’s new?: continue scrolling for encouragement and inspiration from Reverend Ed and Minister Anthony Brown.


Ed Sparkman, Pastor



I begin my message with encouragement and strength as I affirm God's power to strengthen and redirect us during a trying time. Let me also remind everyone that trials don't have a starting and ending time. However, God knows their endings before their beginnings. It has been 19 months since I lost my soulmate of 44 years, and the tears are still flowing. But God's love is still overflowing, providing comfort and strength. As I started writing this message today, I thought about another Mother’s Day without her. I felt motivated to write this message to remind us of God's promise in Psalm 34:18 that, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he rescues those whose spirits are crushed." God is not trying to make us forget; He is trying to move us forward. When we are discouraged, we have to encourage ourselves in Him.

As we continue to reflect on what has happened, let us also reflect on what will happen when we let go and let God. Let us not talk about encouragement; let us "Be Encouraged!" We may feel alone, discouraged, and defeated but our God is closer than we realize. Looking ahead does not mean we have to stop looking back. However, looking back should not stop us from moving forward. -Rev Ed-


Be Encouraged!

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8


minister/recording artist

“You Must Inspire Someone”…

… that is the thought that came to my mind as I sat at a recent high school event celebrating graduating seniors.  At the event, a teacher was recognized for her commitment to inspiring young people. In fact, one of those young people was at the event. He had grown up and was now employed as a staff member at this school from which he had graduated.  His passionate remarks highlighted the encouragement this teacher had given him and so many others and how that inspiration had led him back to the school with a mission to make a difference.  As I sat there listening, reflecting on the teachers’ actions and the obvious “fruit of her labor,” this thought came to my mind, “you, WE, must inspire someone.”

Each of us approach life with plans, goals, and visions, and my challenge to you as you read this reflection is that you also embrace the fact that YOU MUST INSPIRE SOMEONE.  The seed this teacher planted in the life of her former student led the student back to inspire others. And, while the teacher is witnessing the results of her actions regarding this student, undoubtedly there are dozens of others who needed and received her inspiration. And this teacher may never know the full impact of her inspiration. So, with inspiration as one of our necessary life goals – I offer these two additional reminders:

You Have Something to Give

The challenge to inspire is not reserved for the famous, the rich, and the influential, the “call to inspire” is the responsibility of each of us.  There is something inside you that the world needs.  We spend a great deal of time focusing on our limitations, I want to remind you that you have assets.  Your personality, your gifts, your passions, your skills, your faith, and your commitment, are all resources that can change and impact the world. I can remember several years when I was actively involved with one of my young mentees and I commented to a friend that “I wasn’t sure if he (the mentee) would want to go because “we wouldn’t really be doing anything.” The friend reminded me that it wasn’t about what you would be doing, it was the gift of time and attention which could mean so much to this young person. Walk with that thought, you have something to give.

You Have Someone to Give it To.  

Have you ever had something you were trying to get rid of, and the challenge became finding someone to give it to.  A friend gave me a jacket recently that was too big for me, and he said, just give it to somebody else.  The jacket is still hanging in my closet because I haven’t done the work to find someone to give it to.  That’s a jacket but let me focus beyond the tangible.   Inspiration – encouragement – there’s always someone to give it to – the student, the mailman, the neighbor, the senior adult, the child – there is always someone to give it to.  Why not commit to a daily practice of inspiring someone – with a kind comment, a phone call, a compliment – there is always someone to “bless” with inspiration and encouragement. 

You, WE, must inspire someone. Inspiration, and this is my belief, is one of life’s fuels, energy sources, created by God to provide the encouragement, support, and motivation we need to navigate life’s unpredictable roadways.  So, today, right now – accept the charge – INSPIRE SOMEONE.



Meditation Moment      


Proverbs 16:6

By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.


We can't cancel our sins out with our works. Only the mercy of Jesus can do that.  And in faithfulness to His own sacrifice and His own promise, Jesus cleanses us from our sin.  Our right response is reverence, as we consider the power of Jesus' work.  For it is this reverence that encourages us to turn from evil and remain faithful to God.


Father, thank You for erasing my sin by Your mercy. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Lord, as I meditate on the cleansing power of Your blood, it draws me nearer to You.  I long to follow Your ways. Teach me, Lord to turn from evil and increase my faithfulness.  In Jesus' name. Amen

-Author unknown-


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