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I can hardly wait to be at the beach again! -K-

Guest Contributor:

Dr. Anthony Brown,

Minister, Foundation President, Recording Artist

International Travel During a Pandemic

Things You Need to Know-

During the holidays, my friend, Dr. Anthony Brown, his wife Sheri, and six other family members took, what many people might consider, a once in a lifetime trip to Dubai. They left the day after Christmas and were scheduled to return January 2nd. Dubai had long been on their short-list of places they wanted to see, but they knew wherever they went, they had to do their homework on COVID precautions and related country protocols. It seemed clear from the research that Dubai was taking the pandemic very seriously, so they felt relatively confident about their safety when deciding to travel there. Proof of full vaccination was required. Additionally, multiple negative COVID tests were needed to participate in many activities while in the country.

On a high from settling into the opulent Dubai Grand Hyatt and enjoying the shopping, seeing the city from the tallest man-made structure in the world and ringing in the New Year at one of the most amazing events they had ever experienced, the group spent the morning of their sixth day in shock after they were notified a member of their group tested positive for COVID. The news set in motion several protocols – starting with the requirement that the individual quarantine in their room and make arrangements to remain in the country for a ten-day quarantine period. The person testing positive had been nagged by a cough ever since they landed but had attributed it to the dry air on the long plane ride. Suddenly, the excitement about being in such an amazing place shifted to anxious health concerns and what it all meant for their chances of being able to return to the U.S. (in two days) as scheduled.  A negative COVID test no less than 24 hours old was needed for everyone in the group to exit the country. Because they had all been interacting with each other, they wondered if others would also test positive plus, how could they possibly leave the country while one of the members of the group remained.

Long story short and following lots of prayer, the morning they were scheduled to leave, the affected individual’s COVID test miraculously came back negative. However, because the ten-day quarantine rule was still a requirement, they had concerns that they might not be able to leave the country as a group.  BUT God! In the middle of all the anxiety, God stepped in and put somebody kind and full of grace on their path at the airport. Somebody who didn’t have to, but that day was motivated to go the extra mile to obtain an exception due to the negative test result that morning. Thankfully, everyone in their group was allowed to board the flight. Their prayers and steadfastness were honored, and they were on their way home!

Anthony shares these tips on lessons learned from the trip and his thoughts and recommendations on what you need to understand about international travel in the time of COVID. 

 #1 Pray, Trust, Do.  We often start with doing, but in this instance, all we could do was begin by praying and trusting God.

# 2 Get vaccinated (including getting a booster) wear a mask, etc.

 #3 Be aware and pay attention for travel regulations and rules that can/will change, sometimes multiple times before and while you’re traveling (testing requirements, return home policies, etc)

#4 Travel only to locations that take the virus and requirements seriously.

#5 Limit destinations to places where you’ll have other travel options once you get there (car, bus, train). The availability of other options could be important if travel requirements suddenly change and impact your ability to get home.

#6 Be financially prepared in case you have to extend your stay. It could mean additional expenses for lodging, transportation, or COVID testing.

#7 Pack a few extra supplies in case of an extended stay. These are things like medication and extra clothes.         

Travel safely and prayerfully - my sense is we are going to be in this situation for a while … Anthony



The One Piece of Marriage Advice Everyone Should Know According to 19 Therapists

(copy to your browser)

P.S. great advice for all relationships - k-


Amanda Gorman Shares New Poem to Kick Off 2022

…the moments we missed are now those we make…

Parting Thoughts and Shares - brought to you by FAM from this Community-

From : Tshombe Laughman

From: Dr. Anthony Brown

-One Year Later-

I’ll Always Love My Momma

My daughter recently reminded me that we were a few days away from the one year anniversary of my moms passing. Because I think about my mom daily - multiple times - it’s interesting I had not even focused on the Anniversary date. The reminder started my thinking about what I could do to mark the sad milestone. As a writer/communicator I began thinking about possibly sharing some of my takeaways from  the past year as I’ve endured what has actually been tougher than burying my mother - learning to actually live without her. So here we go - this is all I’ve got for now, “I’ll Always Love My Momma.” That’s as profound as I can get on this one year anniversary. Do you remember that song? The 1973 single by the Philly soul group The Intruders became (and still is) a go to declaration on Mothers Day. And, on this one year anniversary I’m still living through (striving for) “the sadness will get better,” “focus on the happy times,” and all of the other “sayings” of encouragement. I’m confident in just two things - my mother is happy at rest with Jesus and “I’ll Always Love My Momma.” So what’s a takeaway - if your mom is still living, “love her.” And if she’s gone to her eternal reward, know that the one thing you know for sure is “you’ll always love your momma, too.” I’m off to listen to that song. Smile.

From: Becky Venne Eschenburg

Year 49 Resolution: “Keep being kind and mindful about the stress people are under AND no longer automatically apologize (and keep apologizing) for things that are not your fault or responsibility. Especially as a way to try to make them less mad at you. So, dear Walgreen’s lady…I appreciate that you are under a tremendous amount of stress and I am willing to be patient. I can’t begin to imagine what your workdays are like right now. I am not, however, going to keep apologizing for the fact that the co-pay assistance card (that just saved me hundreds of dollars) was exactly where I said it was after you told me over and over that it wasn’t there. Compassion AND boundaries. (Also, stop apologizing to all of the people behind you in line for taking up your rightful space). This is what 49 is teaching me.”

From: Anna Elizabeth Reynoso


Inspired by a true family story…an African American author captures this emotional 1940s coming of age drama about, Sarah, a young White girl desperate to leave her small-town life in Ohio. Her naïve decision to enter prostitution to earn quick money to fund her escape plan, leads to an affair with a suave, older, Black man (WALLACE) and an unwanted pregnancy. Devastated and alone, the faith instilled in her by her Catholic school education helps keep her strong and deepens her relationship with God.

Question: What’s one thing you want to accomplish in 2022?

Love to hear from you!

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