Lifestyle Relationships Karen Hoskins Lifestyle Relationships Karen Hoskins

Lifestyles & Relationships

January 2022 - NEW Featured Posts!

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2022 Goal:

Have Fun Living your Best Life!!!

Just for Fun!

Curvy Queens of Dallas - Check Them Out!

When I saw this, I knew I had to share. It’s a little old school, but these ladies will just make you smile:-) Shout out to friends in DC, KC and FL who will appreciate the mature, sexy style of these lady steppers!

Attitude/Relationships & Aging Well

Have you noticed how when some people get older they become consumed with negativity? Almost everyone knows somebody who seldom has anything pleasant to say. They always want to criticize. Even when everything is going great, they can find something to complain about. They’re complainers! They pride themselves on identifying what’s wrong with everyone and everything. It’s not a good look. Please don’t be that person!

That kind of negativity in a relationship will DESTROY it. Who wants to spend time with someone who never has anything positive to say? It’s draining and a turn off to those who have to listen and put up with it. Ever been around people and you can sense the negative energy that surrounds them? The heaviness of the vibe they radiate is almost tangible.  (Empaths will totally get what I mean).

In relationships, if one partner lavishes in negativity and the other strives to be positive, it creates an environment where neither can thrive. They may remain together as a couple but one or both will not be happy.

A bad attitude has also been proven to take a toll on your overall health and well-being, and can lead to depression or other health issues. So practice self-awareness and examine  the kind of energy you’re putting out into the world. Develop an attitude of Gratitude! No matter how bad things are, it could always be worse. For the sake of your health and wellness you owe it to yourself to get a handle on what’s coming out of your mouth. If you hear yourself slipping into the negative zone, STOP! Breathe, be quiet and mediate on all that you have to be thankful for. Negativity can’t exist in the same space as gratitude! The Bible says “let your light so shine before men...” Don’t be the one who enters the room and sucks the air out of it. That’s what negative energy (if it’s bad enough) can do. Conversely, be the spark that contributes to somebody having a good day. Be a light bearer. Even if you’ve had a crappy day (or a crappy life) practice focusing on the good so that you and those around you can reap the benefits. -K-

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. Any comments included here are solely the opinions and views of the writer.


Entertaining: Trending Now! Charcuterie Boards. The More Creative the Better. Let’s Just Say I Can’t Wait for an Occasion to Make One!

Creative but Healthy-What a Great Combo!

Vegan Charcuterie Boards: A Guide - Food Revolution Network

charcuterie board entertaining lifestyle

Buh Bye Boredom! Here Are 125 Hobbies to Pick up 

125 Hobbies to Try—Best New Hobby Ideas (2021) (

So, You’re Feeling Restless or Bored?? What about picking up a new hobby in 2022?  Maybe there’s an activity you’re already interested in, but have been putting off pursuing it. Why?? In 2022, we’re getting rid of excuses, right?! There are some interesting activities on this list. Staying busy exploring something you enjoy can be one of the best ways to keep your mind in a healthy head space.

Question: What’s a hobby or activity you enjoy and would recommend?

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