Growing in the Spirit Karen Hoskins Growing in the Spirit Karen Hoskins

Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Click here to read all the December 2021 “Growing in the Spirit” featured posts.

image of alter with gold cross, candles, flowers

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (Isiah 9:6)

It’s a Pandemic Reality Check

It occurred to me, that in the same way COVID 19 has impacted everything about our world, it has also had an impact on each of us individually. Think about it: Imagine yourself in January 2020–what was going on in your life at that time? Then fast forward to today. Is your vision of yourself the same or different than it was in 2020? If different, what has changed? Do you see yourself as having made progress? Are you stronger, more confident? Or are you basically the same and still allowing fear of failure to keep you from moving forward to all that God created you to be? 

I did this exercise with myself and the changes that had taken place in my life since January 2020 was staggering. I retired from a job I loved, we sold our house, bought a new one, moved, I became a published author! I got a great part time job, I started a blog! And so, it continues…

If you do this analysis with yourself and discover everything in your life is pretty much the same. I just wanted to remind you that almost two years of your life has passed. Yes, the pandemic impacted everything but life, though changed, has kept moving. Our time here is way too short and there is No Time to Waste. Stop putting off those things you know you should do that would clearly be to your benefit. Procrastination is a dream killer!

The pandemic was a game changer. The ground shifted. I choose to believe that as the Bible says, God is doing a New Thing (Isaiah 43:19) and people of faith are transitioning to something greater! There is still a lot of life to be lived. If we work hard and do our part, God will do the rest. Get busy today doing your part! 


Blessed to be a Blessing – Simple Things You Can Do Every Day to Bless Somebody and in Return, Be Blessed. 

The world is filled with so much negativity. Part of our purpose on planet Earth is to bring light and be a blessing to others. Scripture says, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). That means, everyday we should intentionally be attempting to do good. When you do that, your inner light is illuminated, and others can sense it without even being aware of why their drawn to you. God gets the credit when your light shines, and when He is glorified, blessings just naturally flow your way. Want to begin to see your life change for the better? Give it a try. Be on the look out for ways to bring LIGHT into the world.  Here’s a short list of simple everyday ways you can brighten someone’s day. 

  1. Speak to the clerk at the store. These folks must deal with negative energy people all day! So much so, it can begin to rub off on them. Have you ever been surprised by how a pleasant word can change someone’s whole demeanor? In some cases, it might be a much-needed bright spark in their day.

  2. Text or call a friend or family member who is going through some stuff. An encouraging word from you might just come at exactly the time when they needed it the most.

  3. If you encounter someone elderly or disabled who is struggling, offer to assist. It could be as easy as helping somebody get across the street. Maybe getting something off the top shelf at the grocery store they couldn’t reach. 

  4. Make sure “please” and “thank you” are part of your vocabulary. I’m amazed how often using such small expressions of kindness can change someone’s attitude from negative to positive.

  5. Be a good listener. Sometimes people just want to be heard. Ask about their day, rather than always talking about yours, and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

What else needs to be on this list??  (Comment box- bottom of the page)




A Central Theme in Nobody’s Child, Sarah’s Story


Nobody’s Child incorporates themes of sexuality, spirituality and race. One of my goals in writing the book was that someone would be encouraged and find hope in whatever darkness they might be going through. Here’s an excerpt:

Sitting beside her on the pew, Sam saw she was crying. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. Loretta and Barb were composed, but both sat up straight and attentive in their seats, engrossed in all that was being said. When Reverend Wright talked about Jesus and the leper, Barbara reached over and grabbed her adopted sister’s hand from her lap and squeezed it. “The Father knows everything you’ve done. He was there. He saw it! Still, he loves you unconditionally. You can be made whole again! He’s saying, come on home to me, [Sarah]. I’m here to help you. My yoke is easy, and my burdens are light.” Again, Sarah thought she heard him call her name. The reverend spoke about forgiveness. “No matter what you did, God loves and forgives you...”

Sometimes You Just Need to Take a Praise Break!!!

Thanks, Donna T. for sharing this….

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